


GRANTEX S.A. has its seat in the Municipality of Egaleo, Attica, on the Terma Orfeos Street and its scope of works is the production of friction material and cars spare parts.


GRANTEX S.A., in compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (EU 2016/679) and with the relevant Greek laws (Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force), shall manage the Personal Data communicated to it with the utmost care, in any case ensuring their protection and privacy. In order to ensure confidentiality and security of Personal Data, GRANTEX S.A. has taken all necessary organisational and technical measures, drawing up internal security policies, using appropriate electronic means, updating and correctly training its personnel.

GRANTEX S.A. shall proceed to lawful processing of Personal Data, since their collection and processing are exclusively made for determined, explicit and lawful purposes and only to the extent it is necessary for the achievement of these purposes. It must ensure that the data maintained are accurate and updated, therefore seeking the aid of the data subjects, that is to say the natural persons these data are related to, the data for as long as it is necessary for the achievement of these purposes.


GRANTEX S.A. shall proceed to the collection and processing of Personal Data, that is to say information related to a natural person that is identified or identifiable by this information, regardless whether identification may be made directly or indirectly. Data processing is considered any work carried out in relation to these data, whether automated or not.

Among the Personal Data are included, for instance, information such as the name, the residence address, e-mail address or telephone number. Moreover, while visiting the website of GRANTEX S.A. further data are collected for technical reasons, such as:

  • IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the access computer
  • website from which you visit us (recommended)
  • our website you are visiting
  • date and time of visit
  • browser type and browser settings
  • operating system
  • username

This technical information may, in individual cases, constitute personal data. Generally, we use technical data, however, only to the extent this is necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of the website and our application against the attacks and malevolent use, as well as pseudonymous or anonymous forms for statistical purposes.

For more special purposes of Personal Data processing, that is to say information about products, services, promotions, offers and events through email, leaflets, newsletters, telephone and other electronic means, as well as for research and statistical reasons, GRANTEX S.A. shall collect and process the following information:

  • Name and Surname
  • Contact details (residence address, postal code, contact phone, e-mail address)
  • Other personal data (Identity Card number, VAT Number)
  • Trading behaviour


GRANTEX S.A. collects, processes and uses Personal Data related to you mainly when you visit the company’s websites, in the course of the registration to them, when you get connected to an existing customer account or when you order products through the website. The Personal Data processing shall be made, as the case may be, in accordance with applicable legislation and this privacy policy, or in accordance with your consent granted by you. In some cases, data may be used under a pseudonym or anonymously.

4.1 Registration, connection and order

When registered and connected, when you make an order or when you are connected, and you attempt to make an order, but you cannot complete it, we collect, process and use the personal data and information you provide us within the framework of the applicable legislation regarding personal data protection. We may use the information related to products and services during your attempt to make an order to contact you at the details you provided during your registration, when you provided your consent. The information we ask so as to make possible the provision of the services you need are indicated as compulsory fields in the forms. Other information is optional. For the conclusion and performance of contracts we ask, as the case may be, contact details such as the name, the delivery address and the invoice address, as well as information regarding the payment method you have chosen. Moreover, we use your data in our customers’ database we maintain, where only related data are stored. So as to avoid any typing errors and ensure that you have received the pieces you have ordered, we check whether the address you have written is written fully and correctly.

During the payment procedure, we do not record nor store the payment information during the transaction, such as credit card numbers or other bank account details and other information. You provide such information directly and exclusively to the respective payment service provider.

4.2 Additional information

GRANTEX S.A. shall store and use the Personal Data which concern you when you contact us via telephone, e-mail or the contact form we have, or when you want otherwise to send us information and therefore you transmit your data to us for that purpose.

Moreover, we store and use personal data and technical data to the extent this is necessary for the prevention and treatment of any malevolent use or other unlawful behaviour to our website, e.g. in order to maintain security of data in case of attacks against our computer systems. Finally, we store and use your data, to the extent we are legally obliged to do so, as for instance in view of an official directive or a judgement or another decision made by the Authorities, as well as so as to ensure our rights and claims and in cases of defend of our company before the courts.


GRANTEX S.A. may transmit these data to affiliated companies within the European Union, which shall process the data on behalf of GRANTEX S.A., as processors exclusively and solely for the purposes mentioned in 3. During data transmission, GRANTEX S.A. shall take all necessary measures to ensure the highest level of safety.

GRANTEX S.A. shall be bound that these companies provide the necessary guarantees for the protection of Personal Data and take appropriate technical and organisational measures so as the processing to be lawful and to ensure the protection of Personal Data and right of natural persons they concern. GRANTEX S.A. declares that it has previously signed contracts with these companies, including the relevant terms for taking safety measures by them and monitoring of these measures by GRANTEX S.A.


Your personal data security is a high priority for GRANTEX S.A. Therefore, we protect your data stored by us, via technical or organisational measures for the effective prevention of loss or misuse thereof by third parties. In particular, our employees processing the personal data shall be bound for their secrecy. The data are transmitted encrypted for their protection. In order to ensure long-term protection of your data, the technical safety measures are regularly monitored and, if necessary, adapted to the respectively applicable technology standards.


By choosing that you agree and consent with the processing of the Personal Data concerning you, you consent with the processing of the data for the above specific purposes, either by GRANTEX S.A. either by an affiliated company. You may at any time withdraw your consent, as well as exercise any of your legal rights, that is to say access to your data and copy of them, rectification of inaccurate information, erasure of your data or restriction of their processing, their portability in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and their transmission to another controller, the denial to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.

GRANTEX S.A. shall manage your requests with due regard in order to ensure the safety of your data and the protection of your rights. Therefore, in case of doubts regarding the person requesting the notification of Personal Data, we may ask additional information, necessary to confirm your identity.

In case GRANTEX S.A. may not, due to the number of similar requests, immediately satisfy your request, it shall inform you as soon as possible and, in all cases within one month from the submission of your request, regarding its progress and the reason for any possible delay in its satisfaction. If your requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, GRANTEX S.A. may either charge a reasonable fee, considering the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested, or refuse to act on the request.

In case of breach of your data and since this breach is likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms and provided this does not fall within the exceptions explicitly provided under the law, GRANTEX S.A. undertakes the obligation to inform you about it without undue delay.

You may contact GRANTEX S.A. at any time and in particular Mr. Theodoros Bouzounierakis, Personal Data officer, regarding the exercise of your rights, the submission of any question or complaint at the following e-mail address: privacy@grantex.gr

Furthermore, in case you consider your data are infringed, you are entitled to lodge a complaint before the competent Personal Data Protection Authority.



GRANTEX S.A. may contain links to the websites of other companies. In no case shall it be liable for protection measures for your data at external websites you may have access through these links. You are kindly requested to get inform regarding your data protection by such external websites.


These are text files sent to the browser you use, and which are stored in your computer, while you are connected to our website. In no case shall cookies contain personal information or information that could allow anybody contact the visitor of the website, via telephone, e-mail etc. Moreover, the use of cookies does not provide access to the documents or files of your computer.

The use of cookies facilitates the website memorise information regarding your visit, by collecting useful data related to your search preferences. Thus, the search experience shall be improved the following time you will visit us.

Moreover, cookies help GRANTEX S.A. monitor the performance and traffic of its website, improving its display and content, in accordance with the visitors’ preferences.

Some or all cookies described below may be stored in the browser. You may see and manage the cookies in the browser (however in browsers for portable devices they may not provide this visibility).

From the various types of cookies available, GRANTEX S.A. uses the following:

Strictly necessary:

The technically necessary cookies are substantial for the correct functioning of the website, allow you browse and use its operations. These cookies do not recognise your personal identity. Without these cookies, we cannot provide efficient functioning of our website.

Moreover, these cookies allow our website to remember your choices, such as the font size, or if you have replies to any surveys, so as to provide improved and personalised functions.

Performance cookies (Google analytics):

These cookies collect information regarding the way you use the website, for instance, which websites you visit more often. These cookies collect aggregated, anonymous information that do not identity any visitor. They are exclusively used for the improvement of our website performance.

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You may activate, disable or completely erase cookies from the settlements of the browser you use. If you choose to disable cookies, certain parts of the website may not operate sufficiently.


We always wish to present our customers attractive products offers and therefore we continuously adapt the range of our products to our customers’ desires. Any future settlement shall be subject to this notice. In any case, GRANTEX S.A. shall reserve the right to amend the Personal Data protection conditions, in accordance with the applicable framework each time.

Therefore, these Personal Data protection conditions may be revised and updated at any time and without prior notice. The users of the website are kindly requested to regularly check these conditions for any amendments, since the continuous use of the website entails the acceptance of any amendments.


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GECR Num 83313702000
50 Agias Annis Str. & Terma Orfeos
Aegaleo 122 41, Athen, Griechenland
t: +30 210 3465942
e: info@grantex.gr
GECR Num 83313702000
Vertragshändler D-A-CH
Theo. Thomaidis, Am Berghof 5A
63477 Maintal, Deutschland
t: +49 (0) 175 948 2402
e: theo.thomaidis@trucks-parts.de
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