

Website terms of use

1. The visitor/user of the pages and services of the GRANTEX S.A. website must read this Agreement carefully and should he/she disagree with the terms therein, he/she SHOULD NOT USE THE WEBSITE. It is otherwise presumed that he/she accepts the terms herein and gives his/her consent. The legal information and terms herein govern all the webpages of the GRANTEX S.A. websites, unless it is otherwise explicitly stated in another specific page.

2. Limitation of Liability: By entering this website, the visitor/user of the webpages and services of the GRANTEX S.A. website accepts that he/she uses it at his/her own risk and that none of the parties involved in the creation, production or publication of this website assumes any liability whatsoever. Indicatively, without limited, it states that it shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages or costs or expenses of any kind (including attorney's fees, expert fees and other expenses), which may arise directly or indirectly due to the access, use or browsing of this website or from the downloading of any material, text, data, images, video or audio files from this site including, indicatively without limitation, anything caused by any virus, bug, human action or omission thereof, of any computer system, phone line, computer hardware, software or program malfunction, or any other error, omission or delay in the transmission from the computer or from the network connection.

3. GRANTEX S.A., without any guarantees and consequently any liability, makes every effort to ensure that the information and all content is governed by the utmost accuracy, clarity, timeliness, completeness and availability. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall GRANTEX S.A. assume any liability for any damage caused to the visitor/user as a result of using this website.

4. Intellectual and industrial property rights: The contents of this website, including, without limitation, texts, names, trademarks, logos, graphics, drawings, photographs, illustrations, video or audio files and generally files of any nature are protected by the intellectual property of GRANTEX S.A. and are, except for any expressly acknowledged third party rights, governed by national and international Copyright Law. Consequently, the contents may not be reproduced, republished, replicated, stored, sold, relayed, distributed, published, executed, downloaded, translated or modified in any manner whatsoever, in part or in brief, without GRANTEX S.A.’s express prior written consent, unless otherwise stated herein. The user/visitor accepts that the contents in the pages of this website constitute an established trademark or product protected by GRANTEX S.A., or a third party’s copyright (used after authorization), therefore its unauthorized use may result in the imposition of a penalty or fine. Note: References to manufacturers’ names and their codes are used only as references/reports and do not constitute an indication or relationship with the manufacturers of the original parts.

5. The visitor/user shall comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant statutory provisions governing telecommunications, and shall refrain from any misuse or abuse of the contents and the services of this website. Any damage caused to this website, or generally to the Internet as a result of the visitor/user’s misuse or abuse of the relevant services shall exclusively fall within his/her area of responsibility.

6. Illegal or improper conduct: The visitor/user of this website must not publish or use this website to transmit any pornographic, obscene, profane, libelous, defamatory, threatening, unlawful or other material that could constitute, or encourage conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or in any other way violate any provision of the law. Although GRANTEX S.A., or any other party that may be involved in the creation, production or publication of this website may monitor, inspect or review the transmissions and mailings, GRANTEX S.A. and all the parties involved in creation, production or publication of this website disclaim any liability, which may arise from the content, including without limitation to claims for defamation, libel, blasphemy, impersonation or copyright infringement.

7. Links (Hyperlinks): Although this website is possibly linked to other websites, it is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it redirects via links, or banners, nor does it guarantee their availability. GRANTEX S.A. disclaims any direct or indirect approval, approbation, relationship, sponsorship, or cooperation with linked websites, unless this is explicitly stated. By entering this website, the visitor/user of this website accepts that GRANTEX S.A. is not responsible for any problems that may arise while visiting/using the redirected websites, which fall solely in the area of responsibility of the respective websites.

8. Revision of these terms: GRANTEX S.A. reserves the right to revise the present legal information at any time and for any reason without prior notice or obligation. The users/visitors must check for any changes every time and if they continue to use the website, it is deemed in each case that they accept the amended terms and conditions. They should otherwise refrain from using/visiting this website.

9. Applicable law: This Agreement is governed by the provisions of Greek law, the Rules and Directives of European law and relevant International provisions, and shall be construed in accordance with the rules of good faith, business ethics and the economic and social purpose of the right. Should any of the terms hereof be declared contrary to the law and therefore void or voidable, it shall ipso jure cease to be effective, however, the remaining terms hereof shall continue to remain in full force and effect. No amendment to any of the terms hereof shall be valid, or constitute a part thereof, unless it is stipulated in writing and incorporated into this Agreement. Any dispute arising hereunder shall be subject to the competent jurisdiction of the courts of Athens.

10. The management and protection of Personal Data of this website’s visitor/user is subject to the terms of this section and the relevant provisions of Greek law (Law 2472/1997 as supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Commission for Personal Data Protection, P.D. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Law 2819/2000) and European Law (Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). Any future amendment will be subject to this section. If a visitor/user disagrees with the terms for the protection of personal data that are provided in this section, he/she should not use the services of this website. It is possible that this website may require the visitor/user to submit personal data. The visitor/user explicitly consents to the use of the personal data by GRANTEX S.A. for promotional or marketing activities. This website treats all personal information as confidential and shall not disclose same to third parties (unless provided by law and only by competent authorities). This website keeps records of personal data that visitors/users send exclusively for communication, statistical and service improvement purposes and may process all or part of these data for statistical, market research or service improvement purposes as well as promotional or marketing activities. The visitor/user may communicate with the competent department or at the GRANTEX S.A. address to determine the existence of his/her personal file and to request the correction, change or deletion thereof.

11. This website uses “cookies”, a technology used to identify visitor/users of certain services and webpages of this website. The cookies are small text files (4 KB maximum), which are stored on the visitor/user’s hard disk, but remain unaware of any other document or file of this computer. They are used to facilitate the access of visitor/user to the specific services of this website and to generate statistical data. The visitor/user can adjust the browser in such a way that, it either notifies him/her about the use of cookies on specific pages/services of this website, or it prevents the acceptance of cookies.

12. Users under 18 years of age are obligated and expected to have gained the consent of their parents or guardians for all declarations of personal data on the GRANTEX S.A. website.

Data Protection Policy

GRANTEX S.A. is committed to protecting the privacy of personal data of visitors to its website. The Privacy-Confidentiality Statement concerns the data collected from the site’s contact form. Such data will only be used by GRANTEX S.A., if it is necessary to communicate with the user.

Third parties are prohibited from republishing these pages. Third parties are prohibited from replicating the webpage, or parts thereof for commercial exploitation.


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GECR Num 83313702000
50 Agias Annis Str. & Terma Orfeos
Aegaleo 122 41, Athens, Greece
t: +30 210 3465942
f: +30 210 3472185
e: info@grantex.gr
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