

The fact that most employees choose to have a long-lasting collaboration with Grantex, proves the excellent relationships between Management & staff and the pleasant and creative working environment. Every workplace, however, needs to be expanded and renewed, thus, we give the opportunity to young people with knowledge, experience and positive attitude, to join our team.


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Grantex specializes in friction materials and manufactures products for light and heavy duty commercial vehicles, for mining machinery, heavy industrial and maritime use. The raw materials in...
In Grantex, always we move forward, thus we feel obliged to keep both our partners and potential customers, informed about new products and technologies, innovations, events, presentations...
Research and development is an important area for Grantex, so it has created a dynamic R&D department, which is staffed by engineers and technicians with extensive experience in friction materials...
Our Quality Policy is indispensable in order to meet our objectives, which are: Provision of legitimate services and products related to the vehicle or machinery brake systems (linings, brake...
GECR Num 83313702000
50 Agias Annis Str. & Terma Orfeos
Aegaleo 122 41, Athens, Greece
t: +30 210 3465942
f: +30 210 3472185
e: info@grantex.gr
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